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Eight Week Programme - Preparing your blooms for their best show!

The average bloom (double) takes 26 days (approx.) after first showing above the soil and single blooms mature between 18 & 20 days.

With this fertilising programme stick with the recommended amounts shown on packages or on the pre-packed items the Society sells. A little often is the way to go.

N.P.K – ¾ - 1 teaspoon for small pots, Phostrogen at the rate recommended on the packet, Yates Fruit and Flower at the rate recommended on the packet, Polyfeed @ 4 grams per litre of water – dissolved, Epsom salts – 3 or 4 teaspoons to a 9 litre can.

  • 9 Weeks before the show: Apply Epsom Salts with N.P.K, or Phostrogen, or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 8 Weeks before the show: Apply Phostrogen or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 7 Weeks before the show: Apply Phostrogen or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 6 Weeks before the show: Apply Phostrogen or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 5 Weeks before the show: Apply Epsom Salts with Phostrogen, or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 4 Weeks before the show: Apply Phostrogen or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 3 Weeks before the show: Apply Phostrogen or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 2 Weeks before the show: Apply Epsom Salts with N.P.K, or Phostrogen, or Yates Polyfeed.

  • 1 Week before the show: Apply Phostrogen or Yates Polyfeed.

Good Luck!

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