October-November: Time to divide your gerberas!
Notes on Dividing Gerberas – Barry Schoch Tools you will need: Pointed secateurs (for snipping) Sharp knife 2-3 buckets Forefinger and...
Container Gerberas - Ideal for winter flowering!
Gerberas are traditionally grown in the ground in dedicated beds or with other compatible pants, such as roses, that enjoy the same type...
Ian Stannard - 60 Years of Growing Gerberas and Carnations
Ian has always been a keen gardener in the Kalamunda area but carnations and gerberas became his specialities and passion. Ian was the...
Eight Week Programme - Preparing your blooms for their best show!
The average bloom (double) takes 26 days (approx.) after first showing above the soil and single blooms mature between 18 & 20 days. With...
Did you know...?
Did you know there is a native gerbera in WA? It was seen several years ago around Gidgegannup. The flowers are small and white and the...
CAUTION - Garden Weevil
Gerberas are hardy plants, and are generally not adversely affected by Insects, however, garden weevils have a particularly strong liking...
"Sporting" and "Winterising"
Sporting Stuart Tindale addressed an email enquiry we had a few months ago about a gerbera flower that had bloomed ½ white and ½ pink....
CAUTION - Green Bud Disease!
There has been some communication that there is a "New" Green Gerbera. Unfortunately this is not the case. These Gerberas are diseased...
Calendar of Activities for Gerbera Growers
JANUARY / FEBRUARY Hot months require attention to water, shade and mulching (away from crowns). Increase fertilising in mid-February...
"Winterising" Your Gerberas
The three basic rules for winter: 1. Clean up Get rid of any dead leaves and spent flowers. Take leaves away from the side they are...