Fungus Gnats - A Pest in Potting Soils
The Fungus Gnat, Orfelia and Bradysia species, are small flying insects that have a life cycle similar to that of the common house fly....
CHILLI THRIP UPDATE - From the WA Rose Society Inc
Chilli Thrip – Surat Tindale reported at the April WAGS meeting there was no definitive “cure” proposed by the WA Rose Society for this...
Ian Stannard - 60 Years of Growing Gerberas and Carnations
Ian has always been a keen gardener in the Kalamunda area but carnations and gerberas became his specialities and passion. Ian was the...
Did you know...?
Did you know there is a native gerbera in WA? It was seen several years ago around Gidgegannup. The flowers are small and white and the...
"Sporting" and "Winterising"
Sporting Stuart Tindale addressed an email enquiry we had a few months ago about a gerbera flower that had bloomed ½ white and ½ pink....
Have you considered using Worm Juice for your gardens?
Worm juice is a by-product of nature in a liquid form produced by worms. It is rich in good nitrogen fixing bacteria and it has readily...
CAUTION - Green Bud Disease!
There has been some communication that there is a "New" Green Gerbera. Unfortunately this is not the case. These Gerberas are diseased...
Did You Know...
To keep cut flowers longer: Remove excess foliage, recut the stems and place in water immediately Harden and refresh the flowers by...
WARNING - Portuguese Millipede!
The advent of early autumn rains will energise this pest in metropolitan suburbs where it has previously been evident. During the summer...
Soil & Potting Mixes
The majority of information in this article is attributed to Victoria Lee Blackstone who is a qualified Horticulturist. She has been...