Chilli Thrips - a pain in the bud!
You have no doubt been hearing about the damage that Chilli Thrips are doing in the gardens of metropolitan WA.
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development have been inundated with reports of damage to plants, in particularly roses. This problem has come about due to the recent rainfall and humidity, conditions in which the thrip thrives. WAGS Members, you can find their article in our Members Only area.
No plant is safe from this pest. There is an excellent post on the Waldecks Garden Centre Bentley Facebook page. WAGS Members, you can access this article in our Members Only area.
The following plants are known to also be affected by Chilli Thrips and should be monitored closely:
Acacia, Amaranth, Asparagus, Blueberry, Camellia, Chrysanthemum, Chilli/Capsicum, Dahlia, Persimmon, Syzygium (Lilly Pilly), Cuphea, Ficus (mostly carica, the edible variety), Strawberry, G
ingko, Jasmine, Hedera Ivy, Lamium, Bay Leaf, Tomato, Mango, Banana, Lotus, Beans, Photinia, Pittosporum, Apricot, Plum, Pear, Rhododendron, Azalea, Castor Bean, Roses, Eggplant, Tamarind, Viburnum, Grape.
The following plants are newly discovered as being affected as well:
Celosia, Coreopsis, Cuphea, Duranta, Poinsettia, Ficus elastica, Gaura, Gerbera, Verbena, Impatiens, Basil, Pelargonium, Geranium, Pentas, Petunias, Plectranthus/Coleus, Indian Hawthorn, Viola, Zinnia
Symptoms of damage include:
The infested leaves develop crinkles and curl upwards
Elongated petiole (the stalk that attaches the leaf to the stem)
Buds become brittle and drop down
Early stage, infestation leads to stunted growth and flower production, fruit set are arrested
Management / Control:
It is difficult to control
Inspect early and often for signs of damage
If pruning damaged plants, bag any off-cuts or leaves before binning
Do not compost any damaged plant material
Multiple applications of treatments will probably be necessary
Suggested links: