Fungus Gnats - A Pest in Potting Soils
The Fungus Gnat, Orfelia and Bradysia species, are small flying insects that have a life cycle similar to that of the common house fly....

October-November: Time to divide your gerberas!
Notes on Dividing Gerberas – Barry Schoch Tools you will need: Pointed secateurs (for snipping) Sharp knife 2-3 buckets Forefinger and...

Container Gerberas - Ideal for winter flowering!
Gerberas are traditionally grown in the ground in dedicated beds or with other compatible pants, such as roses, that enjoy the same type...
CHILLI THRIP UPDATE - From the WA Rose Society Inc
Chilli Thrip – Surat Tindale reported at the April WAGS meeting there was no definitive “cure” proposed by the WA Rose Society for this...

Chilli Thrips - a pain in the bud!
Chilli Thrip
The Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development have been inundated with reports of damage to roses in particula

"Sporting" and "Winterising"
Sporting Stuart Tindale addressed an email enquiry we had a few months ago about a gerbera flower that had bloomed ½ white and ½ pink....

"Winterising" Your Gerberas
The three basic rules for winter: 1. Clean up Get rid of any dead leaves and spent flowers. Take leaves away from the side they are...

Ray's Winning Gerbera Bloom Formula
So… are you Show ready? April is not that far away! Ray Bruce has shared his secret formula for getting the best blooms for Show day. Now...
Tips For Getting Your Gerberas Ready For The Show!
It will be approximately 8 weeks to the show when you receive this journal. Now is the time to step up your fertilising program. Increase...
Soil & Potting Mixes
The majority of information in this article is attributed to Victoria Lee Blackstone who is a qualified Horticulturist. She has been...