Have you considered using Worm Juice for your gardens?
Worm juice is a by-product of nature in a liquid form produced by worms. It is rich in good nitrogen fixing bacteria and it has readily available liquid minerals and trace elements in a form and in small enough quantities that has an immediate uptake by plants.
What makes worm juice work?
Worm juice provides a wealth of nutrients and minerals (over 60 different elements) ready for plants. It is the enzymes in the worm’s digestive systems that allow all the nutrients and trace elements to become water soluble thus providing ready to use food for your plant.
Worm juice is not an N.P.K fertiliser but while it contains minute quantities of N, P and K its major strength lays in the biological activity of its bacteria and the complex range of other nutrients and minerals. Even though you might apply worm juice to your plants they will still need N.P and K in the early stages of the application of this material.
The worm juice bacteria stimulates the soil or medium in which your plants are growing and once this is working well you may find that other fertilising could be reduced. This is because the N. P and K that may have previously been locked in your soil or medium will be released once the microbiological functions are working properly.
How much worm juice do I use?
Plant food – for home gardeners it is used in a ratio of 1 part worm juice to 10 parts of water. E.G. 100 mls of worm juice to 1 litre of water either as a spray or watering can application.
Soil activator – to start the soil activation use 100 mls worm juice to 5 litres of water applied direct to the soil or medium you are using.
Repeat both applications in about 6 weeks and then in another 3 months do it again. This will give maximum effect.
During this time you can use your other fertilisers with preference to organic – or non-chemical – types such as blood and bone, sheep manure crushed, and cow manure crushed or other eco type fertilisers. This will reduce the chances of the soil bacteria being burnt or killed by chemicals in a fertiliser.
Contribution: Tom Polich